Ethical Code

RJC Policy

This document collects the ethical-social and quality principles and values ​​on which the company policy of Penta Preziosi snc is based, and is aimed at employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, external collaborators, partners of company, and to any other person who may act in the name and on behalf of Penta Preziosi snc.

Penta Preziosi snc was founded in 1986, from the already consolidated experience of the founding partners in other companies in the sector, Penta Preziosi has always specialized in the production of hand or machine chains in gold and silver. Our presence on the world market has been consolidating hand in hand with the growth of the company which, today more than ever, is aimed at satisfying the demands of an increasingly international clientele.
Constant attention to the needs of its customers, this is the daily commitment that drives Penta Preziosi: flexibility and production capacity, timeliness in deliveries, the ability to create customized and exclusive lines, these are some of our added values.

Penta Preziosi snc has its registered office in the factory located in Via M.Curie, 10 in Arezzo (AR)

Respect for the person, legality, quality of products and services provided, worker protection and respect for the environment represent the ethical and social values ​​that have always been part of the company policy of Penta Preziosi snc.
For these reasons, with the aim of improving the promotion and respect of these values, and with the aim of continuously improving the quality of its products and services, Penta Preziosi snc has decided to implement an internal management system that is based on international standards of Quality, Environment, Safety and Ethics.
To this end, we have formalized our quality and social responsibility policy (available on the website, and we make available to customers and interested parties all the data useful to substantiate the results that our company has achieved. obtained.
As an RJC member, Penta Preziosi snc is aligned and compliant with OECD guidance Annex 2.

Penta Preziosi snc carries out periodic checks to ensure that the principles set out in this policy are effectively and effectively implemented and respected.

1. Quality Policy

The Management undertakes to make available the economic, human and infrastructural resources necessary to ensure adequate management of the Organizational System.
The Management is clear that the success of its activities passes through the full satisfaction of the Customer, the Interested Parties and its employees.
An organization that takes care of the protection of the Environment, Quality and Safety in the workplace and that has as its goal the continuous improvement of its performance in these areas, is an organization that can be competitive and flexible in a constantly evolving market. like today.

Penta Preziosi snc is committed to:

  • Work to continuously improve the reliability and quality of its products
  • Work to continuously improve the satisfaction of its customers
  • Involve all staff and all interested parties through the dissemination of the Policy, the principles of environmental responsibility and the results expected and obtained from the Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety Management System, keeping continuous channels of communication open to the outside world
  • Supporting ethical behavior in carrying out its activities
  • Respect and maintain compliance with current national legislation, legal and other requirements

2. Human Rights Policy and Social Policy

Penta Preziosi snc, in addition to compliance with the reference legislation to which it is subject in all the countries in which it operates, is committed to identifying, mitigating and, where possible, preventing potential violations of human rights linked to its activities. To this end, Penta Preziosi snc declares to:

  • Undertake to support the protection and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms according to the principles stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and in subsequent international conventions on human rights;
  • Recognize and respect the principles established by the fundamental conventions of the ILO "International Labor Organization" and in particular the right of association through the free registration of workers in trade unions, the prohibition of forced and child labor through employment relationships exclusively related to CCNL., And the prohibition of discrimination based on gender, age, ethnicity, religion, political and trade union membership, sexual orientation and gender identity, language or different ability, and the current legislation on labor and workers' rights;
  • Not to practice corporal punishment and prohibit degrading treatment, abuse, coercion and any form of intimidation;
  • Do not procure material in areas where there are armed conflicts, widespread violence or other risks of injury to human rights.

3. Commercial, Anti-Corruption, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Money Laundering Policy

Penta Preziosi snc undertakes to carry out and conduct its business with the utmost respect for ethical standards, guaranteeing integrity, transparency and compliance with the laws in force. To this end, the Company declares its commitment to:

  • Not to practice subordination, corruption and extortion and to contribute to the fight against such crimes and unfair practices;
  • Not to accept payments, gifts, discounts, advantages or promises and / or other utilities that can even be interpreted as exceeding normal commercial or courtesy practices and that could influence the independence of judgment or induce to ensure any advantage or treatment of favor;
  • Not to carry out transactions and / or operations that could compromise the principles of fair competition and competition or that could constitute an attempt to influence business or decision-making processes;
  • Avoid conflicts of interest;
  • Not tolerate money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities;
  • Apply adequate due diligence that takes into account the risk associated with the counterparty before starting any business relationship and carefully monitor our supply chain and exercise “Know Your Counterpart”;
  • Make known in full and in detail the characteristics of the precious metals sold and ensure the correspondence of weight, functionality, finish and title of their products, ensuring their compliance and quality through systematic checks with effective and cutting-edge precision tools;
  • Adopt adequate systems and measures to ensure the integrity and safety of product shipments as well as to prevent theft, damage and replacements;
  • Respect the rights of consumers, in particular by applying fair business, advertising and marketing practices and by adopting the necessary measures to guarantee the safety and quality of its products;
  • Respect the principle of confidentiality and protection of personal data based on current legislation.

4. Environmental Policy

Penta Preziosi snc, aware that the commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development represents an important value of business ethics, undertakes to carry out its activities in full respect of the environment and in compliance with the law. in force and to have an effective emergency plan in case of harmful consequences for the environment deriving from its activity.
With this in mind, the company undertakes to eliminate or in any case reduce the use of toxic substances, to dispose of the waste produced responsibly and correctly, to use energy efficiently and in any case to minimize the impact of its activities. on the environment.

Penta Preziosi snc, moreover, with a view to respecting the environment and preventing any environmental damage, undertakes to adequately and constantly train its employees and to carry out periodic assessments of environmental risk (with particular reference to waste, water and emissions).

5. Politica per la Salute, Sicurezza e Igiene del Lavoro

Penta Preziosi snc promotes the appropriate actions necessary to protect the safety and health of its workers and people who come into contact with the company, and to this end it undertakes to:

  • Comply with current legislation on health, safety and hygiene in the workplace;
  • Train and inform employees;
  • Prepare and maintain a system for identifying and controlling risks to the health and safety of workers;
  • Define and implement technical, organizational and managerial interventions in order to prevent and / or reduce the risks inherent in the health and safety of workers in the workplace;
  • Ensure and maintain the safety and well-being of employees, visitors, customers and suppliers.

6. Politica sulla Security

Penta Preziosi snc undertakes to protect industrial property (such as trademarks, patents, distinctive signs, designs, industrial models, intellectual property, etc.) both its own and others. In this regard, the company has set up special systems aimed at protecting against theft, damage or replacement of products within its premises and during shipments.
Penta Preziosi snc also informed its employees on the importance and duty of respecting the confidentiality and industrial property of both the company and its business partners.